Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Still waiting on details

Well, it appears that we're moving forward, despite the loan "hiccup" the other day. We had the VA appraisal today, although I haven't heard any results yet.

And it turns out we may not need a full inspection, pending the results of this appraisal. That would be nice. Even though I'm confident our house is in great condition, there are always a bunch of nitty things the inspector could make people worry about.

Once all this house stuff is in the clear, we can really start to focus on our trip, which is pretty damn exciting. We're still trying to figure out exactly where to go, of course, and we probably won't have everything hammered down until we actually buy the tickets, because we may make some compromises based on price.

Ideally, we would do something like the following:

October to November - Italy (Genoa, Celle Ligure, Florence, Venice, Sicily), Switzerland

December 1-15 - Indonesia (Bali, etc...)

December 16 to March 15 - SE Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam)

March 16 to June 16 - Argentina (Buenos Aires mostly, some travel around)

June 17 to September 15 - Mexico (Oaxaca)

In addition, Liz wants to go to Morocco during the European portion of our trip, but I'm not as sold on the idea. I'm also thinking I might want to go to Argentina first, and then SE Asia, so we can hit Europe in the Spring and finish out the trip in Mexico. Seems like it might be better for saving money on flights, but again, we'll see.

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